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这里探讨了分组查询最大值(group-wise-max)的问题。涉及到 SQL 查询语句中的 GROUP BY 子句及连接(JOIN)操作。


本文缘起于 SegmentFault上 的一个问题:


create table test (
    id smallint unsigned not null auto_increment,
    name varchar(20) not null,
    age smallint unsigned not null,
    class smallint unsigned not null,
    primary key (id));

insert into test (name, age, class) values
('wang', 11, 3), ('qiu', 22, 1), ('liu', 42, 1), ('qian', 20, 2),
('zheng', 20, 2), ('li', 33, 3);

可以理解成学生信息,简单的 SELECT 一下:

mysql> select * from test;
| id | name  | age | class |
|  1 | wang  |  11 |     3 |
|  2 | qiu   |  22 |     1 |
|  3 | liu   |  42 |     1 |
|  4 | qian  |  20 |     2 |
|  5 | zheng |  20 |     2 |
|  6 | li    |  33 |     3 |



使用 GROUP BY 子句,这一点毫无疑问。

select class, max(age) from test group by class;
| class | max(age) |
|     1 |       42 |
|     2 |       20 |
|     3 |       33 |

结果按 class 分组了,最大年龄也选出来了,但是没有 idname


添加其它列到 SELECT 子句。

select id, name, max(age), class from test group by class;
| id | name | max(age) | class |
|  2 | qiu  |       42 |     1 |
|  4 | qian |       20 |     2 |
|  1 | wang |       33 |     3 |

结果并不正确,各列发生"错位",年龄 42 的应该是 liu 而不是 qiu,原因是它违反了下面这条规则:

包含 GROUP BY 的 SQL 语句,被 select 的列要么使用聚合函数,要么出现在GROUP BY 子句中。

上面的 SELECT 语句,idname 没有出现在 GROUP BY 子句,也没有使用聚合函数,所以它违反了规则,不是一条正确的SQL语句。


select t1.*
from test t1,
  (select class, max(age) as age from test group by class) t2
where t1.class = t2.class and t1.age = t2.age;
| id | name  | age | class |
|  3 | liu   |  42 |     1 |
|  5 | zheng |  22 |     2 |
|  6 | li    |  33 |     3 |


这条语句引用了两个表(t1t2),语义上相当于内连接(INNER JOIN)。



注意:关键字 JOIN,就是指 INNER JOIN。当然你也可以显式地写成 INNER JOIN。

select t1.*
from test t1
join (
  select class, max(age) as age
  from test
  group by class) t2
on t1.class = t2.class and t1.age = t2.age;
| id | name  | age | class |
|  3 | liu   |  42 |     1 |
|  5 | zheng |  22 |     2 |
|  6 | li    |  33 |     3 |


使用左连接(LEFT JOIN)来实现。没有用到 GROUP BY。

select t1.*
from test t1
left join test t2 on t1.class = t2.class and t1.age < t2.age
where t2.class is null;


这条语句参考自:The Rows Holding the Group-wise Maximum of a Certain Column

原理在此:JOIN Syntax


If there is no matching row for the right table in the ON or USING part in a LEFT JOIN, a row with all columns set to NULL is used for the right table. You can use this fact to find rows in a table that have no counterpart in another table:

SELECT left_tbl.*
  FROM left_tbl LEFT JOIN right_tbl ON left_tbl.id = right_tbl.id
  WHERE right_tbl.id IS NULL;

This example finds all rows in left_tbl with an id value that is not present in right_tbl (that is, all rows in left_tbl with no corresponding row in right_tbl). This assumes that right_tbl.id is declared NOT NULL.

可见,这条语句中的 WHERE 子句,其实可以用任何列作为条件。下面这句也是一样的效果:

select t1.*
from test t1
left join test t2 on t1.class = t2.class and t1.age < t2.age
where t2.id is null;


把 zheng 的年龄改为 20,那么 class 2 中,qian 和 zheng 的年龄都是最大值 20。

update test set age=20 where name='zheng';


| id | name  | age | class |
|  3 | liu   |  42 |     1 |
|  4 | qian  |  20 |     2 |
|  5 | zheng |  20 |     2 |
|  6 | li    |  33 |     3 |


补充一些 GROUP BY 的理论知识

GROUP BY 子句将表按列的值分组,列的值相同的分在一组。如果 GROUP BY 后有多个列名,则先按第一列名分组,再按第二列名在组中分组,原则上可以一直分下去,直到在所有基本组中,GROUP BY 子句所指定的列都具有相同的值,HAVING 后的条件是选择基本组的条件。GROUP BY 子句常与聚集函数联用,此时聚集函数以基本组为计算对象。加了 GROUP BY 子句后,SELECT 子句所取的值必须在基本组中是唯一的,即只能是 GROUP BY 子句所指明的列或聚集函数。若无 GROUP BY 子句,则聚集函数以整个表为计算对象,此时 SELECT 子句只能取聚集函数,而不能取某一列。
