This is a very simple Object relational mapper (ORM)
Use this code for fun. It isn't tested on a lot of cases.
Author: Juan Manuel García <jmg.utn@gmail.com>
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
class DataBase(object):
A database agnostic from the engine that you're using.
At this time implements MySQLdb, sqlite3, psycopg2 but it's easy
to extend...
def __init__(self, provider, host='', user='', passwd='', db=''):
provider: The module for the database connection
Ej: (MySQLdb, sqlite3, psycopg2)
host: The Host on the database service is running
user: user to connect to the database
passwd: the password of the user
db: the name of the database
self.provider = provider
self.connections = {"MySQLdb" : self.get_mysql_connection,
"sqlite3" : self.get_sqlite_connection,
"psycopg2" : self.get_postgre_connection,}
self.connections[self.provider.__name__](host, user, passwd, db)
self.cursor = self.db.cursor()
self.providers = {"MySQLdb" : self.get_mysql_columns,
"sqlite3" : self.get_sqlite_columns,
"psycopg2" : self.get_postgre_columns,}
def get_mysql_connection(self, host='', user='', passwd='', db=''):
Get the connection for mysql databases
self.db = self.provider.connect(host=host, user=user, passwd=passwd, db=db)
def get_postgre_connection(self, host='', user='', passwd='', db=''):
Get the connection for postgres databases
self.db = self.provider.connect(host=host, user=user, password=passwd, database=db)
def get_sqlite_connection(self, host='', user='', passwd='', db=''):
Get the connection for sqlite databases
self.db = self.provider.connect(db)
def get_mysql_columns(self, name):
Get the columns name information for mysql databases
self.sql_rows = 'Select * From %s' % name
sql_columns = "describe %s" % name
return [row[0] for row in self.cursor.fetchall()]
def get_sqlite_columns(self, name):
Get the columns name information for sqlite databases
self.sql_rows = 'Select * From %s' % name
sql_columns = "PRAGMA table_info(%s)" % name
return [row[1] for row in self.cursor.fetchall()]
def get_postgre_columns(self, name):
Get the columns name information for postgres databases
self.sql_rows = 'Select * From "%s"' % name
sql_columns = """select column_name
from information_schema.columns
where table_name = '%s';""" % name
return [row[0] for row in self.cursor.fetchall()]
def Table(self, name):
A queryable table of the database
name: the name of the table to query
return: a Query object
columns = self.providers[self.provider.__name__](name)
return Query(self.cursor, self.sql_rows, columns, name)
class Query(object):
A query Class wich recursive generate the query-string
def __init__(self, cursor, sql_rows, columns, name):
self.cursor = cursor
self.sql_rows = sql_rows
self.columns = columns
self.name = name
def filter(self, criteria):
Implement the "Where" statment of the standard sql
key_word = "AND" if "WHERE" in self.sql_rows else "WHERE"
sql = self.sql_rows + " %s %s" % (key_word, criteria)
return Query(self.cursor, sql, self.columns, self.name)
def order_by(self, criteria):
Implement the "Order by" statment of the standard sql
return Query(self.cursor, self.sql_rows + " ORDER BY %s" % criteria, self.columns, self.name)
def group_by(self, criteria):
Implement the "Group by" statment of the standard sql
return Query(self.cursor, self.sql_rows + " GROUP BY %s" % criteria, self.columns, self.name)
def get_rows(self):
Execute the generated query on the database and return a list of Row Objects
print self.sql_rows
return [Row(zip(self.columns, fields), self.name) for fields in self.cursor.fetchall()]
rows = property(get_rows)
class Row(object):
A row Class dynamically implemented for each table
def __init__(self, fields, table_name):
fields: A list of [column_name : value of column]
table_name: the name of the table
#Assign the name of the current table to the class
self.__class__.__name__ = table_name + "_Row"
for name, value in fields:
setattr(self, name, value)