读者对于本系列第一篇文章的回应,让我感到很兴奋。感谢大家正面的反馈。我想把本系列继续下去,重点介绍其他的一些你经常使用Excel完成的任务,并且展示给你如何在pandas 中使用相同的功能。
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import pandas as pd import numpy as np |
1 |
df = pd.read_excel("sample-salesv3.xlsx") |
1 |
df.dtypes |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |
account number int64 name object sku object quantity int64 unit price float64 ext price float64 date object dtype: object |
1 2 |
df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date']) df.head() |
account number | name | sku | quantity | unit price | ext price | date | |
0 | 740150 | Barton LLC | B1-20000 | 39 | 86.69 | 3380.91 | 2014-01-01 07:21:51 |
1 | 714466 | Trantow-Barrows | S2-77896 | -1 | 63.16 | -63.16 | 2014-01-01 10:00:47 |
2 | 218895 | Kulas Inc | B1-69924 | 23 | 90.70 | 2086.10 | 2014-01-01 13:24:58 |
3 | 307599 | Kassulke, Ondricka and Metz | S1-65481 | 41 | 21.05 | 863.05 | 2014-01-01 15:05:22 |
4 | 412290 | Jerde-Hilpert | S2-34077 | 6 | 83.21 | 499.26 | 2014-01-01 23:26:55 |
1 |
df.dtypes |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |
account number int64 name object sku object quantity int64 unit price float64 ext price float64 date datetime64[ns] dtype: object |
1 |
df[df["account number"]==307599].head() |
1 |
df[df["quantity"] > 22].head() |
account number | name | sku | quantity | unit price | ext price | date | |
0 | 740150 | Barton LLC | B1-20000 | 39 | 86.69 | 3380.91 | 2014-01-01 07:21:51 |
2 | 218895 | Kulas Inc | B1-69924 | 23 | 90.70 | 2086.10 | 2014-01-01 13:24:58 |
3 | 307599 | Kassulke, Ondricka and Metz | S1-65481 | 41 | 21.05 | 863.05 | 2014-01-01 15:05:22 |
14 | 737550 | Fritsch, Russel and Anderson | B1-53102 | 23 | 71.56 | 1645.88 | 2014-01-04 08:57:48 |
15 | 239344 | Stokes LLC | S1-06532 | 34 | 71.51 | 2431.34 | 2014-01-04 11:34:58 |
1 |
df[df["sku"].map(lambda x: x.startswith('B1'))].head() |
account number | name | sku | quantity | unit price | ext price | date | |
0 | 740150 | Barton LLC | B1-20000 | 39 | 86.69 | 3380.91 | 2014-01-01 07:21:51 |
2 | 218895 | Kulas Inc | B1-69924 | 23 | 90.70 | 2086.10 | 2014-01-01 13:24:58 |
6 | 218895 | Kulas Inc | B1-65551 | 2 | 31.10 | 62.20 | 2014-01-02 10:57:23 |
14 | 737550 | Fritsch, Russel and Anderson | B1-53102 | 23 | 71.56 | 1645.88 | 2014-01-04 08:57:48 |
17 | 239344 | Stokes LLC | B1-50809 | 14 | 16.23 | 227.22 | 2014-01-04 22:14:32 |
1 |
df[df["sku"].map(lambda x: x.startswith('B1')) & (df["quantity"] > 22)].head() |
account number | name | sku | quantity | unit price | ext price | date | |
0 | 740150 | Barton LLC | B1-20000 | 39 | 86.69 | 3380.91 | 2014-01-01 07:21:51 |
2 | 218895 | Kulas Inc | B1-69924 | 23 | 90.70 | 2086.10 | 2014-01-01 13:24:58 |
14 | 737550 | Fritsch, Russel and Anderson | B1-53102 | 23 | 71.56 | 1645.88 | 2014-01-04 08:57:48 |
26 | 737550 | Fritsch, Russel and Anderson | B1-53636 | 42 | 42.06 | 1766.52 | 2014-01-08 00:02:11 |
31 | 714466 | Trantow-Barrows | B1-33087 | 32 | 19.56 | 625.92 | 2014-01-09 10:16:32 |
在这个例子中,我们查找包含两个特定account number值的全部项目。
1 |
df[df["account number"].isin([714466,218895])].head() |
account number | name | sku | quantity | unit price | ext price | date | |
1 | 714466 | Trantow-Barrows | S2-77896 | -1 | 63.16 | -63.16 | 2014-01-01 10:00:47 |
2 | 218895 | Kulas Inc | B1-69924 | 23 | 90.70 | 2086.10 | 2014-01-01 13:24:58 |
5 | 714466 | Trantow-Barrows | S2-77896 | 17 | 87.63 | 1489.71 | 2014-01-02 10:07:15 |
6 | 218895 | Kulas Inc | B1-65551 | 2 | 31.10 | 62.20 | 2014-01-02 10:57:23 |
8 | 714466 | Trantow-Barrows | S1-50961 | 22 | 84.09 | 1849.98 | 2014-01-03 11:29:02 |
,它使得我们可以有效的再数据集中选择数据。使用它需要安装numexpr ,所以请确保你在进行下面步骤前已经进行了安装。
1 |
df.query('name == ["Kulas Inc","Barton LLC"]').head() |
account number | name | sku | quantity | unit price | ext price | date | |
0 | 740150 | Barton LLC | B1-20000 | 39 | 86.69 | 3380.91 | 2014-01-01 07:21:51 |
2 | 218895 | Kulas Inc | B1-69924 | 23 | 90.70 | 2086.10 | 2014-01-01 13:24:58 |
6 | 218895 | Kulas Inc | B1-65551 | 2 | 31.10 | 62.20 | 2014-01-02 10:57:23 |
33 | 218895 | Kulas Inc | S1-06532 | 3 | 22.36 | 67.08 | 2014-01-09 23:58:27 |
36 | 218895 | Kulas Inc | S2-34077 | 16 | 73.04 | 1168.64 | 2014-01-10 12:07:30 |
1 2 |
df = df.sort('date') df.head() |
account number | name | sku | quantity | unit price | ext price | date | |
0 | 740150 | Barton LLC | B1-20000 | 39 | 86.69 | 3380.91 | 2014-01-01 07:21:51 |
1 | 714466 | Trantow-Barrows | S2-77896 | -1 | 63.16 | -63.16 | 2014-01-01 10:00:47 |
2 | 218895 | Kulas Inc | B1-69924 | 23 | 90.70 | 2086.10 | 2014-01-01 13:24:58 |
3 | 307599 | Kassulke, Ondricka and Metz | S1-65481 | 41 | 21.05 | 863.05 | 2014-01-01 15:05:22 |
4 | 412290 | Jerde-Hilpert | S2-34077 | 6 | 83.21 | 499.26 | 2014-01-01 23:26:55 |
1 |
df[df['date'] >='20140905'].head() |
account number | name | sku | quantity | unit price | ext price | date | |
1042 | 163416 | Purdy-Kunde | B1-38851 | 41 | 98.69 | 4046.29 | 2014-09-05 01:52:32 |
1043 | 714466 | Trantow-Barrows | S1-30248 | 1 | 37.16 | 37.16 | 2014-09-05 06:17:19 |
1044 | 729833 | Koepp Ltd | S1-65481 | 48 | 16.04 | 769.92 | 2014-09-05 08:54:41 |
1045 | 729833 | Koepp Ltd | S2-11481 | 6 | 26.50 | 159.00 | 2014-09-05 16:33:15 |
1046 | 737550 | Fritsch, Russel and Anderson | B1-33364 | 4 | 76.44 | 305.76 | 2014-09-06 08:59:08 |
1 |
df[df['date'] >='2014-03'].head() |
account number | name | sku | quantity | unit price | ext price | date | |
242 | 163416 | Purdy-Kunde | S1-30248 | 19 | 65.03 | 1235.57 | 2014-03-01 16:07:40 |
243 | 527099 | Sanford and Sons | S2-82423 | 3 | 76.21 | 228.63 | 2014-03-01 17:18:01 |
244 | 527099 | Sanford and Sons | B1-50809 | 8 | 70.78 | 566.24 | 2014-03-01 18:53:09 |
245 | 737550 | Fritsch, Russel and Anderson | B1-50809 | 20 | 50.11 | 1002.20 | 2014-03-01 23:47:17 |
246 | 688981 | Keeling LLC | B1-86481 | -1 | 97.16 | -97.16 | 2014-03-02 01:46:44 |