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  1. Redis中,并不是所有的数据都一直存储在内存中的,这是和Memcached相比一个最大的区别。

  2. Redis不仅仅支持简单的k/v类型的数据,同时还提供list,set,hash等数据结构的存储。

  3. Redis支持数据的备份,即master-slave模式的数据备份。

  4. Redis支持数据的持久化,可以将内存中的数据保持在磁盘中,重启的时候可以再次加载进行使用。



来源:《Is memcached a dinosaur in comparison to Redis?》(相比Redis,Memcached真的过时了吗?)

You should not care too much about performances. Redis is faster per core with small values, but memcached is able to use multiple cores with a single executable and TCP port without help from the client. Also memcached is faster with big values in the order of 100k. Redis recently improved a lot about big values (unstable branch) but still memcached is faster in this use case. The point here is: nor one or the other will likely going to be your bottleneck for the query-per-second they can deliver.

没 有必要过多的关心性能,因为二者的性能都已经足够高了。由于Redis只使用单核,而Memcached可以使用多核,所以在比较上,平均每一个核上 Redis在存储小数据时Memcached性能更高。而在100k以上的数据中,Memcached性能要高于Redis,虽然Redis最近也在存储 大数据的性能上进行优化,但是比起Memcached,还是稍有逊色。说了这么多,结论是,无论你使用哪一个,每秒处理请求的次数都不会成为瓶颈。(比如 瓶颈可能会在网卡)

You should care about memory usage. For simple key-value pairs memcached is more memory efficient. If you use Redis hashes, Redis is more memory efficient. Depends on the use case.


You should care about persistence and replication, two features only available in Redis. Even if your goal is to build a cache it helps that after an upgrade or a reboot your data are still there.


You should care about the kind of operations you need. In Redis there are a lot of complex operations, even just considering the caching use case, you often can do a lot more in a single operation, without requiring data to be processed client side (a lot of I/O is sometimes needed). This operations are often as fast as plain GET and SET. So if you don't need just GET/SET but more complex things Redis can help a lot (think at timeline caching).

当 然,最后还得说到你的具体应用需求。Redis相比Memcached来说,拥有更多的数据结构和并支持更丰富的数据操作,通常在Memcached里, 你需要将数据拿到客户端来进行类似的修改再set回去。这大大增加了网络IO的次数和数据体积。在Redis中,这些复杂的操作通常和一般的 GET/SET一样高效。所以,如果你需要缓存能够支持更复杂的结构和操作,那么Redis会是不错的选择。

1、 Redis和Memcache都是将数据存放在内存中,都是内存数据库。不过memcache还可用于缓存其他东西,例如图片、视频等等。
3、虚拟内存--Redis当物理内存用完时,可以将一些很久没用到的value 交换到磁盘
4、过期策略--memcache在set时就指定,例如set key1 0 0 8,即永不过期。Redis可以通过例如expire 设定,例如expire name 10
7、灾难恢复--memcache挂掉后,数据不可恢复; redis数据丢失后可以通过aof恢复