ASP.NET Razor 简介

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1. 什么是Razor
2. Razor C# 基本语法规则
3. 逻辑条件与循环
4. ASP.NET MVC 中 Razor 布局


1. 什么是Razor ?

  • Razor 不是一种编程语言,而是一种标记语法,可以将基于服务器的代码(Visual Basic 和 C#)嵌入到网页中。
  • Razor 是基于 ASP.NET 的,是为创建 Web 应用程序而设计的。
  • Razor支持代码混写。
  • 带 Razor 语法的 ASP.NET 网页有特殊的文件扩展名cshtml(Razor C#)或者vbhtml(Razor VB)。

2. Razor C#基本语法规则

① 使用@将代码块添加到页面中
  • 内联表达式(Inline expressions)
  • 单语句块(Single statement blocks)
  • 多语句块(Multi-statement block)
<!-- Inline expressions -->
<p>You are using @Request.Broswer.Broswer!</p>

<!-- Single statement blocks  -->
@{ ViewBag.title = "Home Page"; }
@{ var myMessage = "Hello World"; }

<!-- Multi-statement block -->
    var name = "Jason";
    var greeting = "Nice to meet you, ";
    var greetingMessage = greeting + name;
<p>The greeting is: @greetingMessage</p>
② 代码块括在大括号中,代码语句用分号结束
③ 使用 var 关键字,声明变量存储值
<!-- Storing a string -->
@{ var welcomeMessage = "Welcome, new members!"; }

<!-- Storing a date -->
@{ var year = DateTime.Now.Year; }
④ 字符串要用引号括起来
@{ var myString = "This is just an example"; }
⑤ C#代码是区分大小写
⑥ 空格和换行符不影响语句
  • 可以通过增加空格或者换行符提高代码的可读性。
  • 但是对于字符串,不可以
    @{ var test = "This is a long
      string"; }  // Does not work!
⑦ 内联的helper方法
@helper formatAmount(decimal amount)
    var color = "green";
    if (amount < 0)
        color = "red";
    <span style="color:@color">@String.Format("{0:c}", amount)</span>


@{var amounts = new List<decimal> {100, 25.50m, -40, 276.99m}

    @foreach(decimal amount in amounts)
  • 如果想要添加纯文本,两种方法

    @ {
        @: fhdshfjskhfksfs
  • 输出@符号

    @ { <p>Have a good weekend @@LA</p> }
    //output: Have a good weekend @LA
⑨ 注释
  • 使用@**@

    @*  A one-line code comment. *@
      This is a multiline code comment.
      It can continue for any number of lines.
  • @{}中使用C#的注释格式

      // This is a comment.
      var myVar = 17;
      /* This is a multi-line comment
      that uses C# commenting syntax. */

3. 逻辑条件与循环

  • If-else, else if 语句

    @ { var price = 25; }
    @if (price >= 30)
      <p>The price is high.</p>
    else if (price > 20 && price < 30) 
      <p>The price is OK.</p>
      <p>The price is low.</p>
  • Switch 语句

    @ { var day = "Monday"; }
    case "Monday":
      message="This is the first weekday.";
    case "Thursday":
      message="Only one day before weekend.";
    case "Friday":
      message="Tomorrow is weekend!";
      message="Today is " + day;
  • For 循环

    <!-- 方式1 -->
    @for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    <!-- 方式2 -->
      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
          //do something
  • While 循环

      var i = 0;
      while (i < 5)
          i += 1;
          <p>Output is: @i</p>
  • Foreach 循环

    @{var amounts = new List<decimal> {100, 25.50m, -40, 276.99m}
      @foreach(decimal amount in amounts)

4. ASP.NET MVC 中Razor布局

Views folder
Views folder
  • 在_ViewStart.cshtml中, 可以定义所有view的默认layout模板
      Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
  • _Layout.cshtml即模板页,起到页面整体框架重用的目的
    <!DOCTYPE html>
      <meta charset="utf-8" />
      <div class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top">
          <div class="container">
              <div class="navbar-collapse collapse">
                  <ul class="nav navbar-nav">
                      <li>@Html.ActionLink("Home", "Index", "Home")</li>
                      <li>@Html.ActionLink("About", "About", "Home")</li>
                      <li>@Html.ActionLink("Contact", "Contact", "Home")</li>
      <div class="container body-content">
          <div class="row">
              <div class="col-md-12">
                  <img src="~/Content/Images/logo.png" class="img-responsive item-center"/>
      @RenderSection("scripts", required: false)
  • @Html.Partial()
  • @RenderBody()
  • @RenderSection()


  1. Introduction to ASP.NET Web Programming Using the Razor Syntax (C#)
  2. C# Razor Syntax Quick Reference