TOP 10 iOS 开发者会议(2014年)

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对iOS开发者来说,2014年是非常精彩的一年。除了每月都会在世界各地举办会议的Cocoaheads外,还有很多非常酷的会议可以让你遇见全世界的iOS开发者和演讲者。raywenderlich.com团队的很多会员都是会议的发言嘉宾和与会者–可以让你与时俱进和结识更多新朋友。以下是我们列出的2014年Top 10 iOS 会议,该列表来自团队成员的亲身经历。我们的团队成员对每个会议都进行了简短的描述和评论,有可能你会在2014年的某个会议中遇见他们。另外,附带一个可以帮你决定参加哪场会议的流程图。



WWDC是苹果专为iOS开发者准备的。苹果通常会在该会议上发布新的iOS版本和功能(比如去年发布了iOS 7)。WWDC通常会持续5天,并且还将会有很多场苹果的工程师主持的会议,你可以从中学习获得更多关于iOS和Mac OS X新版本的细节信息。

真正的福利是你可以参加labs–你可以与框架的作者进行沟通,你只需准备好你的问题,他们已经做好了回答的准备。WWDC通常在科技项目之都-San Francisco举办,门票大约在1600+美元。如果你热爱iOS开发,那么这个价格绝对物有所值。对设计师、开发者以及博客作者来说都是本年度最好的社交机会,你可以跟他们面对面进行交流。


地点:有待公布,通常在旧金山的Moscone Center
计划参加的团队成员:Chris Wagner, Ryan Nystrom, Ali Hafizji, Ricardo Rendon Cepeda, Ellen Shapiro, Orta Therox

2) 360iDev


“The 360 conferences were friendly, well-run, a good assortment of topics, a great location and really good food.” -John Nyquist

“360iDev was the highlight of 2013 for me. I really enjoyed getting to hang out and meet a ton of awesome iOS developers. 360iDev is great because the conference is packed with great sessions for all levels, but it doesn’t end there. John does a fantastic job of organizing not just sessions, but extracurricular events to make sure the mingling doesn’t stop at five.” -Ryan Poolos

计划参加的团队成员: Felipe Laso Marsetti, Ricardo Rendon Cepeda, Ryan Nystrom, Joel Shapiro

3) NSConference


“NSConference was the first iOS conference I ever attended and I had a blast. There were about 100 attendees from all over the industry, from famous developers to beginners. I think I chatted with at least half of them. The atmosphere was great and the talks were a good mix between technical and business topics. There’s plenty of time between talks to socialize, and it’s easy to make new friends. The city of Leicester isn’t that impressive but the venue, an old theater, more than makes up for it. If you’re in the U.K. or Europe, it’s definitely worth going, but even if you’re from the U.S. or elsewhere in the world it’s worthwhile making the trip.” -Matthijs Hollemans

“This was my favourite conference I’ve ever been to. The talks were iOS specific, but were not all about technical stuff. Some were about how to use the right tools and some were about life as a developer in general. I mostly liked the people there though. I got to meet a lot of awesome people and have stayed in touch with a lot of them since. It was just a very enjoyable and fun time. The location isn’t the best place in the U.K., but the city was cheap to stay. The venue itself was fantastic. It’s in a converted cinema. There are lots of small tables to sit around rather than rows and rows of seats like other conferences.” -Matt Galloway

时间: 3.17-3.19
地点: 莱斯特(英国中部城市)
计划参加的团队成员: Sam Davies, Ali Hafizji, Matt Galloway

4) Cocoaconf


“CocoaConf is always a great experience. The speaker to attendee ratio is fantastic because you get a great opportunity to really interact with the speakers in a way no other conference lets you.” -Ryan Poolos

“I really liked this conference. Definitely my favorite of last year. They were really attentive and the show was really well run. They presented iOS specific tech although there were some sessions on design as well as a few on related services. It was a smaller conference which was a nice way to meet other attendees as well as the presenters.” -Brian Moakley

时间: 多个时间,以网站信息为准
地点: 多个地点,以网站信息为准
计划参加的团队成员: Tony Dahbura, Sam Davies, Brian Moakley, Cesare Rocchi, Ellen Shapiro, Joel Shapiro, Ryan Nystrom, Ryan Poolos, Ray Wenderlich, Vicki Wenderlich

5) Cingleton


“The third installation of Cingleton was held in Montreal, where it’s always been. There were a lot of big-name speakers that gave talks on the conference theme of Core Values. The sessions are one-tracked and usually geared more towards the community topics instead of getting technical. The very limited number of tickets (about 150) sold out in about 30 minutes!” -Ryan Nystrom

时间: 有待公布,但通常是在10月
地点: 有待公布,但通常是在蒙特利尔(加拿大东南部港市)
计划参加的团队成员: Ryan Nystrom, Cesare Rocchi
网站: http://ç

6) mdevcon


“mdevcon is a nice little conference, held in a classy movie theater in Amsterdam. The talks are in English and the audience is very diverse. There were two tracks, covering both iOS and Android. It was a two day conference, with workshops on the first day, but I only went the second day. There wasn’t really a lot of time to chat with other attendees in between the talks, which was a bit of a shame, and no vegetarian food. But you’re in the center of Amsterdam so finding food isn’t a big problem, and everyone heads out to nearby bars afterwards for socializing. I’d recommend this conference if you’re in the neighborhood (getting to Amsterdam from most places in Western Europe is pretty easy).” -Matthijs Hollemans

时间: 3.7-3.8
地点: Amsterdam
计划参加的团队成员: Cesare Rocchi, Marin Todorov

7) iOSDevUK


“I attended, and gave a talk at, iOSDevUK ’13. And I thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience. The organisers where incredibly friendly, as were all the attendees. There was a good mix of beginner, intermediate and advanced sessions, with even an Arduino workshop thrown in for good measure. The accommodation was great, and since you stayed on the university campus you were only a short walk from the lecture theatres were the sessions were held. ’13 had a great lineup of speakers, including a keynote from Alan Cannistraro of Facebook and both a session and workshop on Core Data with Mr Core Data himself, Marcus Zarra.” -Mic Pringle

“iOSDevUK is held at the rather remote location of Aberystwyth, Wales (U.K.), which takes quite a long time to reach regardless of how you travel, or where you’re traveling from! However, those that attend are rewarded with a very sociable conference where people live together, have breakfast together and enjoy some really high quality talks and presentations. Considering the very low cost, this is definitely a conference I will be returning to next year.” -Colin Eberhardt

时间: 9.2-9.4
地点: 阿伯里斯特威斯(英国威尔士西部自治市)
计划参加的团队成员: Ricardo Rendon Cepeda, Colin Eberhardt, Mic Pringle

8) UIKonf



“UIKonf was really well organized. The single track helped the attendees to stay focused on presentations without having to choose one track. In spite the fact that it was the first edition, it was very well organized, with pre-conference lightning talks and a post-conference hackthlon. Berlin is pretty easy to reach from anywhere in Europe and the iOS community is pretty vibrant. Definitely a conference to check out if you can.” -Cesare Rocchi

时间: 5.14-5.16
地点: 柏林
计划参加的团队成员:Marin Todorov, Orta Therox

9) GDC


“If you’re a game developer, GDC is the best conference to attend bar none. The talks are super high quality and are on a breadth of topics, from technical aspects to design to marketing and the business of making games. There are so many great talks going on at once you feel like a kid in a candy store, not to mention getting to meet and hang out with other game developers in the industry and even show-off your game if you want to get a booth. Highly recommended!” -Ray Wenderlich

“2013 was my first year attending GDC. I was going to be speaking in the iOS Games in a Day track of the conference along with Ray Wenderlich, Rod Strougo, Gareth Jenkins and others. The show is enormous with multiple tracks running in parallel. If your involved in games in any way then there is something at this conference for you. For me the technical tracks were the most interesting. Listening to how specific elements of both indie AAA games were developed, how they solved problems and even approached problems was fantastic. I particularly enjoyed a talk by the guys at CodeMasters on how they wrote the AI for the F1 racing game. I was able to enhance some autonomous steering code straight after their talk in my talks demo code which was most useful. While GDC is not focused on iOS, if your developing games then the energy and ideas flying around is something you have to experience at least once.” -Mike Daley

时间: 3.17-3.21
地点: 旧金山

10) NSSpain


“It was a fun conference with lots of upcoming passionate talkers for around Europe, where a lot of the action is coming from lately. It was held during a wine festival in Rioja, which came with its own advantages. The food was out of this world. I spoke there last year, and I’ll be doing my damnedest to be there in 2014.” -Orta Therox

地点: 有待公布,2013年在Centro Cultural Ibercaja举办
计划参加的团队成员: Orta Therox, Cesare Rocchi


