$ vi DebugPythonWithGDB_6.py
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#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- ? import sys, os, signal, subprocess, shlex, traceback ? def on_SIGCHLD ( signum, frame ) : ????print "[on_SIGCHLD" ????sys.stdout.write( "signum??= %u\n" % signum ) ????traceback.print_stack( frame ) ????print os.waitpid( -1, os.WNOHANG ) ????""" ????try : ????????print os.waitpid( -1, os.WNOHANG ) ????except OSError : ????????sys.stdout.write( 'Line[%u]: OSError\n' % sys.exc_info()[2].tb_lineno ) ????""" ????print "on_SIGCHLD]" ? def do_more ( count ) : ????print '[do_more() begin %u]' % count ????os.system( r'printf "Child?? = %u\n" " />;/bin/sleep 1' ) """ # # 这里存在竞争条件,可以增加触发OSError异常的概率 # os.system( r'printf "Child = %u\n" ![]() os.system( r'printf "Child = %u\n" ![]() """ print '[do_more() end %u]' % count def main ( prog, args ) : if 0 == len( args ) : print 'Usage: %s ' % prog else : sys.stdout.write( "Parent = %u\n" % os.getpid() ) # # 本例中,即使有下列代码,Ctrl-C仍然无效。 # signal.signal( signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL ) # # signal.signal( signal.SIGCHLD, signal.SIG_IGN ) # signal.signal( signal.SIGCHLD, on_SIGCHLD ) # count = 0 while True : # # 本例中父进程只是一个调度框架,不需要与子进程进行通信,因此不 # 需要特别处理"stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None"。 # child = subprocess.Popen \ ( # # 不要直接用args[0].split(),它在处理单、双引号时不是我们 # 期望的行为。考虑这种例子,ls -l "/tmp/non exist" # shlex.split( args[0] ), # # all file descriptors except 0, 1 and 2 will be closed # before the child process is executed # close_fds = True, cwd = "/tmp" ) sys.stdout.write( "Child = %u\n" % child.pid ) # # child.send_signal( signal.SIGTERM ) # child.terminate() # child.kill() # # child.wait() # do_more( count ) count += 1 if '__main__' == __name__ : try : main( os.path.basename( sys.argv[0] ), sys.argv[1:] ) except KeyboardInterrupt : pass |
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$ python DebugPythonWithGDB_6.py 'python -c "import time;time.sleep(3600)"' Parent = 10244 Child = 10245 [do_more() begin 0] [on_SIGCHLD signum = 17 File "DebugPythonWithGDB_6.py", line 81, in main( os.path.basename( sys.argv[0] ), sys.argv[1:] ) File "DebugPythonWithGDB_6.py", line 76, in main do_more( count ) File "DebugPythonWithGDB_6.py", line 20, in do_more print '[do_more() begin %u]' % count (10245, 9) on_SIGCHLD] Child = 10246 [on_SIGCHLD signum = 17 File "DebugPythonWithGDB_6.py", line 81, in main( os.path.basename( sys.argv[0] ), sys.argv[1:] ) File "DebugPythonWithGDB_6.py", line 76, in main do_more( count ) File "DebugPythonWithGDB_6.py", line 21, in do_more |