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[The shortest path problem comes in several varieties. For example, you can find shortest paths (just like any other kinds of paths) in both directed and undirected graphs. The most important distinctions, though, stem from your starting points and destinations. Do you want to find the shortest from one node to all others (single source)? From one node to another (single pair, one to one, point to point)? From all nodes to one (single destination)? From all nodes to all others (all pairs)? Two of these—single source and all pairs—are perhaps the most important. Although we have some tricks for the single pair problem (see “Meeting in the middle” and “Knowing where you’re going,” later), there are no guarantees that will let us solve that problem any faster than the general single source problem. The single destination problem is, of course, equivalent (just flip the edges for the directed case). The all pairs problem can be tackled by using each node as a single source (and we’ll look into that), but there are special-purpose algorithms for that problem as well.]


其中单源最短路径和所有节点对最短路径是最常见的问题类型,其他问题大致可以将其转化成这两类问题。虽然单对节点间最短路径问题有一些求解的技巧(“Meeting in the middle” and “Knowing where you’re going,”),但是该问题并没有比单源最短路径问题的解法快到哪里去,所以单对节点间最短路径问题可以就用单源最短路径问题的算法去求解;而多源点单终点的最短路径问题可以将边反转过来看成是单源最短路径问题;至于所有节点对最短路径问题,可以对图中的每个节点使用单源最短路径来求解,但是对于这个问题还有一些特殊的更好的算法可以解决。


assume that we start in node s and that we initialize D[s] to zero, while all other distance estimates are set to infinity. Let d(u,v) be the length of the shortest path from u to v.

• d(s,v) <= d(s,u) + W[u,v]. This is an example of the triangle inequality.

• d(s,v) <= D[v]. For v other than s, D[v] is initially infinite, and we reduce it only when we find actual shortcuts. We never “cheat,” so it remains an upper bound.

• If there is no path to node v, then relaxing will never get D[v] below infinity. That’s because we’ll never find any shortcuts to improve D[v].

• Assumeashortestpathtovisformedbyapathfromstouandanedgefromutov. Now, if D[u] is correct at any time before relaxing the edge from u to v, then D[v] is correct at all times afterward. The path defined by P[v] will also be correct.

• Let [s, a, b, … , z, v] be a shortest path from s to v. Assume all the edges (s,a), (a,b), … , (z,v) in the path have been relaxed in order. Then D[v] and P[v] will be correct. It doesn’t matter if other relax operations have been performed in between.



首先我们来实现下之前学过的松弛技术relaxtion,代码中D保存各个节点到源点的距离值估计(上界值),P保存节点的最短路径上的前驱节点,W保存边的权值,其中不存在的边的权值为inf。松弛就是说,假设节点 u 和节点 v 事先都有一个最短距离的估计(例如测试代码中的7和13),如果现在要松弛边(u,v),也就是对从节点 u 通过边(u,v)到达节点 v,将这条路径得到节点 v 的距离估计值(7+3=10)和原来的节点 v 的距离估计值(13)进行比较,如果前者更小的话,就表示我们可以放弃在这之前确定的从源点到节点 v 的最短路径,改成从源点到节点 u,然后节点 u 再到节点 v,这条路线距离会更短些,这也就是发生了一次松弛!(测试代码中10<13,所以要进行松弛,此时D[v]变成10,而它的前驱节点也变成了 u)




这个问题可以这么想,假设从源点 s 到节点 v 的最短路径是p=<v0, v1, v2, v3 ... vk>,此时v0=s, vk=v,那除了源点 s 之外,这条路径总共经过了其他 k 个顶点对吧,k 肯定小于 (V-1) 对吧,也就是说从节点 s 到节点 v 要经过一条最多只有(V-1)条边的路径,因为每遍松弛都是松弛所有边,那么肯定会松弛路径p 中的所有边,我们可以保险地认为第 i 次循环松弛了边<vi−1,vi>,这样的话经过 k 次松弛遍历,我们肯定能够得到节点 v 的最短路径值,再根据这条路径最多只有(V-1)条边,也就说明了我们最多只要循环地对图中的所有边都松弛(V-1)遍就可以得到所有节点的最短路径值!上面的思路就是Bellman-Ford算法了,时间复杂度是O(VE)。


[上图的解释,需要注意的是,如果边的松弛顺序不同,可能中间得到的结果不同,但是最后的结果都是一样的:The execution of the Bellman-Ford algorithm. The source is vertex s. The d values are shown within the vertices, and shaded edges indicate predecessor values: if edge (u, v) is shaded, then π[v] = u. In this particular example, each pass relaxes the edges in the order (t, x), (t, y), (t, z), (x, t), (y, x), (y, z), (z, x), (z, s), (s, t), (s, y). (a) The situation just before the first pass over the edges. (b)-(e) The situation after each successive pass over the edges. The d and π values in part (e) are the final values. The Bellman-Ford algorithm returns TRUE in this example.]

上面的分析很好,但是我们漏考虑了一个关键问题,那就是如果图中存在负权回路的话不论我们松弛多少遍,图中有些节点的最短路径值都还是会减小,所以我们在 (V-1) 次松弛遍历之后再松弛遍历一次,如果还有节点的最短路径减小的话就说明图中存在负权回路!这就引出了Bellman-Ford算法的一个重要作用:判断图中是否存在负权回路。