Shahriar Tajbakhsh 受《必看的 JavaScript 视频》启发,发起整编了一个 Python 视频系列。
- 视频均在 Youtube。如有搬运到国内的热心童鞋,请在评论中留言;
- Clip Converter:Youtube 视频下载工具
- David Beazley: 《Inside the Python GIL | 深入 Python 中的 GIL》
- Video: youtube [01:01:03]
- Misc resources
- Brandon Rhodes: 《The Mighty Dictionary | 强大的词典》 (PyCon Atlanta)
- David Beazley: 《Understanding the Python GIL | 理解 Python 中的 GIL》(PyCon US)
- Video: youtube [00:46:10]/pyvideo
- Misc resources
- Raymond Hettinger: 《API Design: Lessons Learned | API 设计:我所学到的经验》 (PyCon US)
- PyCon presentation
- Video: youtube [01:17:34]/pyvideo
- Brandon Rhodes: 《Python Design Patterns 1 | Python 设计模式 1》(PyCon US)
- Erik Rose: 《Parsing Horrible Things with Python | 用 Python 解析可怕的东东》 (PyCon US)
- PyCon presentation
- Video: youtube [00:30:31]/pyvideo
- Jack Diederich: 《Stop Writing Classes | 不要再写 Class 了》(PyCon US)
- PyCon presentation
- Video: youtube [00:27:30]/pyvideo
- Ned Batchelder: Pragmatic Unicode, or, How do I stop the pain? (PyCon US)
- PyCon presentation
- Video: youtube [00:36:21]/pyvideo
- Slides with text/Just the slides
- Peter Inglesby: 《Discovering Descriptors | 探索描述符》(EuroPython)
- EuroPython presentation
- Video: youtube [00:37:51]
- Code
- Raymond Hettinger: 《The Art of Subclassing | 子类的艺术》(PyCon US)
- PyCon presentation
- Video: youtube [00:39:48]/pyvideo
- David Schachter: 《How to Speed up a Python Program 114,000 times | Python 程序如何提速 10 万倍》(SF Python Usergroup)
- Presentation
- Slides
- Video: youtube [00:59:11]
- David Beazley: 《Python 3 Metaprogramming | Python 3 元编程》(PyCon US)
- PyCon presentation
- Video: youtube [03:24:00]/pyvideo
- Misc resources
- Jessica McKellar: 《The Future of Python – A Choose Your Own Adventure | Python 的未来:选择你自己的冒险》
- Kenneth Reitz: 《Python for Humans》 (PyCon US)
- Ned Batchelder: Loop like a native: while, for, iterators, generators (PyCon US)
- PyCon presentation
- Video: youtube [00:29:15]/pyvideo
- Slides with text/Just the slides
- Raymond Hettinger: Python’s Class Development Toolkit (PyCon US)
- PyCon presentation
- Video: youtube [00:45:56]/pyvideo
- Slides
- Raymond Hettinger: Transforming Code into Beautiful, Idiomatic Python (PyCon US)
- PyCon presentation
- Video: youtube [00:48:51]/pyvideo
- Slides
- Alex Gaynor: Fast Python, Slow Python (PyCon US)
- PyCon presentation
- Video: youtube [00:36:11]/pyvideo
- Slides
- A. Jesse Jiryu Davis: What Is Async, How Does It Work, And When Should I Use It? (PyCon US)
- PyCon presentation
- Video: youtube [00:46:50]/pyvideo
- Slides
- Benjamin Peterson: Garbage Collection in Python (PyCon US)
- PyCon presentation
- Video: youtube [00:26:57]/pyvideo
- Slides
- Brandon Rhodes: All Your Ducks In A Row: Data Structures in the Standard Library and Beyond (PyCon US)
- PyCon presentation
- Video: youtube [00:37:41]/pyvideo
- Slides
- Brandon Rhodes: The Clean Architecture (PyOhio)
- Christine Spang: Subprocess to FFI: Memory, Performance, and Why You Shouldn’t Shell(PyCon US)
- PyCon presentation
- Video: youtube [00:35:13]/pyvideo
- Slides
- David Beazley: Generators: The Final Frontier (PyCon US)
- PyCon presentation
- Video: youtube [02:55:36]/pyvideo
- Slides
- Erik Rose: Designing Poetic APIs (PyCon US)
- PyCon presentation
- Video: youtube [00:48:08]/pyvideo/vod
- Slides
- Guido van Rossum: Tulip: Async I/O for Python 3 (PyCon US)
- PyCon presentation
- Video: youtube [01:10:38]
- Mike Müller: Faster Python Programs through Optimization (PyCon US)
- PyCon presentation
- Video: youtube [02:59:54]/pyvideo
- Slides
- Ned Batchelder: Getting Started Testing (PyCon US)
- PyCon presentation
- Video: youtube [00:42:44]/pyvideo
- Slides
- S Anand: Faster data processing in Python (PyCon IN)
- PyCon presentation
- Video: youtube [00:55:08]
- iPython Notebook
- Raymond Hettinger: Beyond PEP 8 — Best practices for beautiful intelligible code (PyCon US)
- PyCon presentation
- Video: youtube [00:52:05]
- David Beazley: Python Concurrency From the Ground Up: LIVE! (PyCon US)
- Video: youtube [00:46:50]
- Raymond Hettinger: Super considered super! (PyCon US)
- Video: youtube [00:46:52]
- Ned Batchelder: Facts and Myths about Python names and values (PyCon US)
- PyCon presentation
- Video: youtube [00:25:20]/pyvideo
- Slides and new article/Original article