使用到的模块 ftplib
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快速进行ftp上传 ,下载,查询文件
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#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- #ftp.py # wklken@yeah.net #this script is used to do some operations more convenient via ftp #1.[p]upload many files in the same time,show md5s #2.[g]download many files in the same time,show md5s #3.[l]list all the files on ftp site #4.[f]search a file on ftp site,return True or Flase #5.[h]show help info #add upload and download operations 20111210 version0.1 #add md5sum after ops 20120308 version0.2 import sys,os,ftplib,socket CONST_HOST = "ip" CONST_USERNAME = "username" CONST_PWD = "pwd" CONST_BUFFER_SIZE = 8192 COLOR_NONE = "33[m" COLOR_GREEN = "33[01;32m" COLOR_RED = "33[01;31m" COLOR_YELLOW = "33[01;33m" def connect(): try: ftp = ftplib.FTP(CONST_HOST) ftp.login(CONST_USERNAME,CONST_PWD) return ftp except socket.error,socket.gaierror: print("FTP is unavailable,please check the host,username and password!") sys.exit(0) def disconnect(ftp): ftp.quit() def upload(ftp, filepath): f = open(filepath, "rb") file_name = os.path.split(filepath)[-1] try: ftp.storbinary('STOR %s'%file_name, f, CONST_BUFFER_SIZE) except ftplib.error_perm: return False return True def download(ftp, filename): f = open(filename,"wb").write try: ftp.y">.write try: ftp.p>快速进行ftp上传 ,下载,查询文件
原来直接在shell下操作:需要【连接,输用户名,输密码,单文件操作,存在超时限制】 太过于繁琐,容易操作失败 改进一句命令,搞定多文件上传,下载,查询,列表等操作 后期可以加入更强大的功能 源代码