PTQL (Process Table Query Language)

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PTQL (Process Table Query Language)
Hyperic SIGAR provides a mechanism to identify processes called Process Table Query Language. All operating systems assign a unique id (PID) to each running process. However, the PID is a random number that may also change at any point in time when a process is restarted. PTQL uses process attributes that will persist over time to identify a process.

PTQL (进程表查询语言)
Hyperic SIGAR 提供一种称作进程表查询语言机制来识别进程. 所有的操作系统都给正在运行的进程赋予一个特有的进程ID, 但是因为进程ID 是个随机数字所以进程重启的时候这个进程ID很可能改变. PTQL 则使用进程属性来长时间识别一个进程.

PTQL Syntax

PTQL Queries must be in the following format:


Enclose the query in quotes if it contains any spaces. For example:

sigar> ps "Exe.Name.ct=Program Files"


  1. Class is the name of the Sigar class minus the Proc prefix.
  2. Attribute is an attribute of the given Class, index into an array or key in a Map class.
  3. operator is one of the following for String values:
    eq - Equal to value
    ne - Not Equal to value
    ew - Ends with value
    sw - Starts with value
    ct - Contains value (substring)
    re - Regular expression value matches
    operator is one of the following for numeric values:
    eq - Equal to value
    ne - Not Equal to value
    gt - Greater than value
    ge - Greater than or equal value
    lt - Less than value
    le - Less than or equal value

note: Multiple queries must delimited by a comma.